Monday, June 27, 2011


So today, we had class in the morning, which was ok. After wards, me, Sarah, both Karens, Jill and Caitlin all watched the new episode of True Blood. ‘Twas pretty awesome. Once that was over we all went to Spar (kind of like a Wawa) to get lunch. At 7:00 we left for the Abbey Theatre, where we saw the play Translations. The play was…. slow to get started. The actors were all good enough, but the plot was boring. It centered around a group of townspeople living in Ireland, who host a couple of British soldiers who are there to Anglicize the names of places in Ireland. The play is mostly about language, and the miscommunication that can occur when two people who speak different languages (in this case, Gaelic and English) try to communicate. The ending was very abrupt, and I’m still not quite sure what happened to some of the characters, but I guess I didn’t hate it. I’m spending tonight studying for my midterm tomorrow, so no drinking at the pub for me tonight. Wish me luck!

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