Sunday, June 12, 2011


So, here on this study abroad trip, we have class on Saturdays. It's super lame, but whatever, we watched a movie called In the Name of the Father, with Daniel Day-Lewis and Emma Thompson that was really good. The movie took up our whole class time, so once that was over we walked into town for some lunch. Saturday morning was the day my friend Nick and I were supposed to try blood sausage, but the place we wanted to go to was closed! We went to a pub called The Front Door for lunch, where I had a fantastic chicken bap (a bap is kind of like a giant english muffin.) We walked around the city for a few hours, and ended up sitting outside a pub at Galway Bay. Then we walked to the center of town, to Eyre Square.We hung out there until around 6:30 when the shuttle came to take us back to Corribe Village. While we were waiting, we started talking to a couple of guys from Dublin. One of them looked around at us and said "So you're all from America then?" and we all said yeah, but then he pointed at me and said, "Well you look like you're from Galway, though". I must have looked so surprised. I was pretty excited though, that I actually looked like a local. So we got on the shuttle and headed back to the village to get some dinner. I got a loaf of bread from a mini mart and some peanut butter, since everything here is so expensive and I don't want to blow my whole budget because I was eating out all the time. We finally did a real bar crawl that night, starting at The Front Door. It was packed! every other night has been somewhat tame, but Saturday was ridiculous. Eventually we moved on to Sonny's and then Kelly's, both of which were great. I went to bed around 1:30, because we decided to head to the Cliff's of Moher the next day, where they filmed the cave scene in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I'll post more about that later. Slainte!

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